P3Dv4.5 installation question

Support forum for the Tahiti and Society Islands scenery.
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P3Dv4.5 installation question

Postby rich84 » Sat Nov 13, 2021 5:59 am


I recently purchased this scenery and installed it into my P3Dv4.5 At first, when I selected the scenery within P3Dv4.5, I was having an issue where there was no airport, taxiway, etc (1st attachment). After checking if the animan.exe file was running in Task Manager, processes tab, which the animan.exe was running, I stopped the aninman.exe processes, exit P3D and restarted P3D and now scenery loads. Ran a test a few times to confirm if the scenery would loaded and each time it did. The dll.xml and exe.xml files did not have the entries as stated in the manual, so I added them. Didn't see or noticed any difference. I also set each scenery priority as per the manual. However, I begin to notice small details about the scenery. In the 2nd attachment, there appears to be no white lines that run along the runway. The scenery doesn't look anything like in the 3rd attachment, granted that it depends one's PC settings. Nevertheless, in the 3rd attachment, the markings on the runway, ramp area, is missing or lacking in mine. I know when I installed the scenery, it asked which flight simulator I had and I did select P3Dv4.xx Any idea what's going on??
no scenery.jpg
no scenery.jpg (163.72 KiB) Viewed 21471 times
no runway lines.jpg
no runway lines.jpg (107.83 KiB) Viewed 21471 times
true scenery-1.jpg
true scenery-1.jpg (99.56 KiB) Viewed 21471 times

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Re: P3Dv4.5 installation question

Postby admin » Sat Nov 13, 2021 1:33 pm

The DLL.XML and EXE.XML entries are not required for P3D v4 and higher. It seems you have a conflicting scenery installed, do you have another Tahiti scenery active in the scenery library ?

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Re: P3Dv4.5 installation question

Postby rich84 » Sat Nov 13, 2021 7:47 pm

I removed the entries in the dll.xml and exe.xml.

No, I don't have other Tahiti scenery installed.

Below is how I have the addon.xml file. Am I missing anything??

<SimBase.Document Type="AddOnXml" version="4,0" id="add-on">
<AddOn.Name>Flightscene - NTAA</AddOn.Name>
<AddOn.Description>Flightscene - NTAA</AddOn.Description>
<Path>S:\Prepar3D v4\Addon Scenery\Flightscene - NTAA\flightscene\ntaa</Path>
<Name>Flightscene - NTAA</Name>
<Path>S:\Prepar3D v4\Addon Scenery\Flightscene - NTAA\flightscene\society_islands</Path>
<Path>S:\Prepar3D v4\Addon Scenery\Flightscene - NTAA\flightscene\society_islands_imagery</Path>
<Name>Society _Islands_Imagery</Name>
priority list.jpg
priority list.jpg (57.63 KiB) Viewed 21468 times

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Re: P3Dv4.5 installation question

Postby admin » Sat Nov 13, 2021 10:13 pm

Do you have the buildings showing right now ? Your second screenshot is how the scenery should look. The third screenshot is another product.

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Re: P3Dv4.5 installation question

Postby rich84 » Mon Nov 15, 2021 7:23 am

Yes, I see the scenery now. The 3rd screenshot, I had assume that's how your scenery was suppose to look. It could be other addon scenery the individual who made the video has, but he does say he has your scenery installed.

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Re: P3Dv4.5 installation question

Postby rich84 » Wed Nov 17, 2021 4:17 am

I just want to follow-up. I just finish doing a flight into NTAA from KSFO and after I landed, there was no airport scenery (no buildings, etc.) Attached is screenshot. I didn't bother checking to see if the animan.exe was running because I had assumed it would be running once I started P3D.
NTAA.jpg (116.76 KiB) Viewed 21436 times

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Re: P3Dv4.5 installation question

Postby admin » Thu Nov 18, 2021 2:04 pm

It seems animan.exe was not running during that instance, or did not close properly last time you exited P3D. In that case, pause P3D and press cntrl+alt+delete, goto task manager and right click on animan.exe and select end task. Then goto the flightscene\animan file folder and manually double click on animan.exe and it will load the buildings.

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Re: P3Dv4.5 installation question

Postby rich84 » Wed Dec 15, 2021 1:33 am


This is a follow-up. I noticed today, 14Dec21, upon approach into NTAA from a flight from NZAA, the buildings were not showing. I perform the task as mentioned in your last post, the Animen file was running in the Task Manager as in the attached screenshot. I paused P3Dv4.5, end task the Animen and starting the Animen file again and no buildings show up. I did it 2 times with no luck. What's funny is, when I did the flight from NTAA to NZAA a few days ago, the scenery was working.
animen-1.jpg (171.58 KiB) Viewed 21290 times
animen-2.jpg (145.51 KiB) Viewed 21290 times

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Re: P3Dv4.5 installation question

Postby admin » Wed Dec 15, 2021 1:15 pm

After loading animan.exe, go back to P3D, click on Navigation -> Go to airport, then click escape on your keyboard. That should trigger the scenery to load. Also, make sure you unpause the simulation if paused.

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